Tag General

Using Surveys To Know Your Customer

There are many steps that go into closing a deal, and each one is important in its own way. To ensure you start on the right footing, it’s crucial to first know your customers. The more you understand your customers’…

How to Overcome the Top 7 Sales Objections

I’m sure you’ve been there before… You’re in the middle of a sales pitch when your prospect suddenly objects. They might say they’re not interested, they need more time to think about it, or they can’t afford it. Whatever the…

inbound vs outbound selling

Inbound vs Outbound Selling: Which is Better?

Sales tactics have come a long way in recent years, with new technology and approach constantly emerging. Two overarching selling methods today are inbound selling and outbound selling. So, which is better? Inbound selling focuses on attracting customers to your…

Why Businesses Should Offer A Call-Back Widget

Offering a call-back widget on your website is a great way to provide excellent customer service. This widget would allow website visitors to enter their contact information and receive a callback from your business within 30 seconds or at their…